International Workshop on SMR Safety for a Sustainable Short-term Deployment
October 17th – 18th, 2024 IRSN Headquarter
31 av. De la Division Leclerc, Fontenay – aux – Roses, France
The SASPAM-SA open workshop will promote international exchange of information and practices related to light water SMR safety considering the outcomes from the current ongoing Horizon Euratom SASPAM-SA project, other EU-Projects and other international initiatives (e.g. European SMR Pre-partnership, IAEA, OECD/NEA, ETSON, etc.). The workshop’s objective is to share the advancements of the current major research activities on light water SMR safety and give the opportunity to discuss the main results. This allows to identify the needed knowledge development, in the view of additional short-term research actions, to support the SMR European licensing process.
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ENEN2+ Group application approved
ENEN2+ Group Mobility Application has been approved for the MS, PhD students and early career professionals.
Qualification for applications
In particular, 20 individuals will be founded. Applicants should be either M.Sc students, PhD students or early career professionals, who completed their PhD studies after 1/1/2021.
Required submissions include a research abstract and a motivation letter for attendance.
The criteria for selection of the participants will be based on:
– the quality of the abstract and the research work presented in the abstract,
– the achievements made by the candidate during the past 3 years, and
– the motivation to attend the workshop.
All applicants are handled equally regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, language, religion etc.
Application procedure
Send the Application form into the platform, selecting Individuals applying to group events attaching a PDF file detailing the following information:
– contact details of the student,
– status of the PhD study for PhD students or early career professionals,
– motivation to attend the workshop,
– scientific CV and publication list, and
– description of the present research work.
An application form format is here available:
Time schedule
All selected participants will be requested to comply with the schedule below:
15 July 2024 ENEN 2+ mobility application submission deadline
16-30 July 2024 Selection of applications by selection committee
1 August 2024 Inform the applicants about the decision of selection committee
30 September 2024 Confirmation and Registration deadline
selecting “International Workshop on SMR Safety for a Sustainable Short-term Deployment 2024”, compiling all the required data and uploading a PDF file based on the application form format.
Nowadays light water cooled Small Modular Reactors (LW-SMR) are one of the key design options for the near-term deployment of nuclear reactor technology due to their generally recognized advantages (inherent safety, design simplicity, possibility of simplified batch production, reduction of construction time, capital and operational cost, etc.) and to their level of technological and licensing readiness.
The technological and licensing readiness of these designs is because LW-SMR starts from the well-proven-established operating large-Light Water Reactor (LWR) technology, incorporates their operational plant experience/feedback, and includes moderate evolutionary design modifications to increase the inherent safety of the plant. Therefore, it is envisaged to benefit from the operating large-LWR knowledge and know-how as a base of the SMR technology, minimizing the technological risks connected with innovative technological solutions proposed in innovative SMRs (that differ significantly from existing operating reactors). Therefore, several LW- SMR concepts are in advanced design state and ready to be licensed. Construction and certification activities are currently on-going and are expected to further increase and accelerate.
Considering the Net Zero Goal by 2050 in Europe, nuclear energy will have a key role in reaching this target with the aim of contributing to decarbonization in Europe. In the view of the envisaged short-term license process in European countries, a R&D program consistent with the European market needs and license requirements is in progress to ensure the implementation of the highest nuclear safety standards. In this regard, the safety demonstration is the key action to confirm the adequacy of the safety provisions ensuring the stable and safe operation of an SMR in all the plant states. Within this framework, Euratom Research and Training Programs have a key role in supporting R&D activities, speeding-up licensing process, and securing a leading position for European Intuitions within the international framework. European projects are articulated addressing different topics, in order to support the expected safety demonstration of SMR in Europe, and different actions are in progress or have been recently finished (e.g. ELSMOR, HARMONISE, MCSAFER, PASTELS, SASPAM-SA, TANDEM).
Considering the outcomes from the current on-going Horizon Euratom SASPAM-SA project (organizer of this event) as well as from the other European projects already finished or currently ongoing, as well as other international initiatives (European SMR Pre-partnership, IAEA, OECD/NEA, ETSON, etc.), the workshop objective is to carry out a state -of-art to identify remaining knowledge gaps linked to the safety demonstration of LW- SMR. The workshop will offer the opportunity to identify the current gaps and how to address them with short-term additional research actions.
The scope considers the safety demonstration of LW-SMRs and the related aspects. Therefore, the focus of the Workshop is to discuss and review the state-of-art and the needed knowledge development on:
- Accident scenarios in LW-SMRs and related phenomenology;
- Capabilities of safety computer codes to predict LW-SMR phenomenology in transient conditions;
- Applicability of existing experimental database to characterize LW-SMR phenomenology in steady-operational and transient conditions;
- Analyses of the current severe accident mitigation strategies and features (e.g. IVMR, hydrogen management) and related modeling aspects;
- Computer code guidelines and best practices for the simulation of LW-SMR;
- Applicability of tools and methods to determine the emergency planning zone (EPZ) for LW-SMR;
- Applicability of high-fidelity tools for the safety analysis of LW-SMRs;
- Safety of LW-SMR integrated into a hybrid energy systems;
- Safety research in standardization and nuclear safety.
Ahmed BENTAIB | IRSN | France |
Fulvio MASCARI | ENEA | Italy |
Fabrizio GABRIELLI | KIT | Germany |
Terttaliisa LIND | PSI | Switzerland |
Florian FICHOT | IRSN | France |
Nils REINKE | GRS | Germany |
Mikko ILVONEN | VTT | Finland |
Fabio GIANNETTI | UNIROMA1 | Italy |
Sanjeev GUPTA | Becker Technologies | Germany |
Claire VAGLIO-GAUDARD | CEA | France |
Luis HERRANZ | CIEMAT | Spain |
Andrew MORREALE | CNL | Canada |
Mounia BERDAI | CNSC | Canada |
Michael MONTOUT | EDF | France |
Sylvain TAKENOUTI | EDF | France |
Fulvio MASCARI | ENEA | Italy |
Ahmed BENTAIB | IRSN | France |
Sebastien ISRAEL | IRSN | France |
Victor SANCHEZ | KIT | Germany |
Egidijus URBONAVICIUS | LEI | Lithuania |
Hideo NAKAMURA | JAEA | Japan |
Martina ADORNI | OECD/NEA | France |
Tereza Abrman MARKOVÁ | SUJB | Czeck Republic |
Ville TULKKI | VTT | Finland |
Gabriel PAVEL | ENEN | Belgium |
The proceedings of the workshop will include the presentations, the extended abstracts and the conclusions summary. Possible special issue in a Journal.
For technical information, please contact:
- Ahmed Bentaib, IRSN [Tel: +33 1 58 35 98 54,]
- Fulvio Mascari, ENEA [Tel: +39 3881135591, e-mail:]
The SASPAM-SA workshop “International Workshop on SMR Safety for a Sustainable Short-term Deployment” is intended for participants from Regulators, TSO, Universities, Research centers, Industries, Operators, International Agency, Emergency responders, Code developers, Code users, SA analysts, iPWR analysts, Experimentalists.
The organizing committee is exploring possible remote participation in case of any remaining COVID-19 travel restriction.
Authors are required to submit extended abstracts in English addressing the scope of workshop, by e-mail to:
- Instructions for Extended Abstract preparation: Download here
- Notification of abstract acceptance by email:
- Extended Abstract will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee;
Selected papers will be encouraged for publication in international journals.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission-Euratom.
Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.